Moriah Chapel     Birthplace of the 1904 Welsh Revival
Love Song Revival Meetings Resting in Jesus Prayer Meetings Provided by Grace The Doors are Open In Remembrance 1842 God's Perfect Timing

Love Song

(you will be able to hear it sung in Welsh and English) - 'Here is Love' was known as the love song of the revival. If you have speakers, you will be able to hear it in Welsh on the home page. When you look across the ocean, you can not see where it ends because it never ends, continuously flowing across the globe. Such is the love of God.

Revival Meetings

Scores and scores of people would flock the Revival Meetings to hear Evan Roberts preach and to experience the tangible presence of God. One thing that stands out more in the 1904 Welsh Revival than any other move of God in history was the convicting power of the Spirit, causing people to fall on their knees in the streets and repent whilst no one was around.

Resting in Jesus

Evan Roberts is buried at the rear of the main building together with the rest of his family. You can read more about his grave by clicking on the 'Grave' item above.

Prayer Meetings

On the evening of 31st October 1904, this very room was occupied with 18 young people, all hungry for God. Among them was the well known revivalist, Evan Roberts. Little did they know how much this move of God would affect the world!

Provided by Grace

Moriah was the name given to the place where Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac. Instead, God provided a ram in Isaac's place. Through grace, Jesus was also provided as a substitute for us so that we might find peace again with God.

The Doors are Open

Our doors are open to visitors just like they were open to the many thousands back in 1904. If you wish to visit us, please fill the online form in below by clicking on the little arrow.

In Remembrance

Outside the main building is a memorial dedicated to Evan Roberts. You can see more information on this by clicking on the 'Memorial' item above.


The old schoolroom was built in 1842. Prior to this, the church meetings used to take place in a farmhouse kitchen on the opposite side of the road to the present Moriah Chapel.

God's Perfect Timing

Did you know that the main chapel building was built in 1898. During construction, no one knew that a great revival was to take place shortly after, apart from God!



Sunday Worship 4th August 2024

10.30am Communion Service

Rev Colin Griffiths Gorseinon

The service will be held in the main chapel.  We will be joined by a group of 40 Koreans.

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